Bluebell Class 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Bluebell Class
Year 5 and Year 6
Class Teacher: Mrs Fairman
Our Learning for Spring Term:
The Way, The Truth and The Life
Our topic for this half term is God's Covenants.
In this unit the children will study the Ten Commandments. They will learn that God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses as a gift to help us to live as God wants. In the latter part of the unit the children will learn how God sent Jesus, his only Son, to help us live the commandments.
English - Reading
Daily reading is a key priority in primary school and we actively encourage children to read as much as possible at home to help further develop their fluency and comprehension skills. Every child will be able to bring home a banded reading book from school. These will be assigned to children by their class teacher following a short reading assessment. These can be changed regularly in school. Every child is also encouraged to have a 'Reading for Pleasure' book.
Within our Whole Class Reading lessons, we will be exploring a variety of texts within a variety of genres. This will give children plenty of opportunities to practise their reading comprehension skills and learn about new things.
Our current class novel is 'Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow' by Jessica Townsend.
English - Writing
Our focus text for this half term is Arthur and the Golden Rope. Using our key text, the children will work towards writing our own myth.
Throughout the unit, children will work towards mastery the Mastery Keys outlined below.
Mastery Keys (Year 5)
Plan writing by identifying audience and purpose
Organise paragraphs around a theme with a focus on more complex narrative structures
Use commas after fronted adverbials (Y4 recap)
Use commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity in writing
Mastery Keys (Year 6)
Use passive verbs
Plan writing by identifying audience and purpose
Link ideas across paragraphs using a wider range of cohesive devices (Y5 recap)
Use commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity in writing (Y5 recap)
Use hyphens to avoid ambiguity.
In Maths, we follow Power Maths. This allows children to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills.
During this half term, our topics are:
Throughout the week, children are given many opportunities to practise their arithmetic skills.
Our Science topic for this half term is Living Things and their Habitats. Throughout this unit, children will practise using a variety of scientific skills to help them learn:
Mammals give birth to live babies and feed their young with their milk. Amphibians are invertebrates and lay eggs. Insects are invertebrates and lay eggs. Birds are vertebrates and lay eggs. Plants reproduce in different ways.
This half term, we will be exploring:
'What impact has the Tudors had on our lives today?'
Within this unit, the children will explore what life was like in Tudor times. They will begin the unit by looking at when Tudor times occurred, in relation to the historical periods they have already studied, before focusing in on King Henry VIII and the impact the decisions he made had on life then and how this has also impacted on our lives today.
This term, we will be exploring:
'Why do oceans matter?'
Within this unit, the children will explore the different oceans that can be found around the world and explore the impact they have on our lives and the world. They will explore how oceans are used around the world and investigate the impact that humans are having on them, too.
This half term, we will explore the skill of 'Mixed Media and Paint'. Using Georgia O'Keeffe's work as inspiration, the children will develop their painting skills focusing on using watercolours to create texture and different effects. They will also work on using different art mediums to enhance their work.
Music sessions will be delivered by Amasing music tutors.
Computing sessions will be delivered by Junior Jam.
Our P.E. day for this half term is Thursday. Children should come to school in their kit.
All kit must be clearly labelled, and appropriate footwear must be worn. Jewellery, including earrings, must not be worn during P.E. days. School hoodies and jogging bottoms can be purchased online with school uniform.
Personal Development
At St Luke's, RHE is taught using a scheme created by 'Ten:Ten'. Our first topic is Created and Loved by God. This unit explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships
Homework will be set on Google Classroom. Paper copies are also handed out each week.
*********************************Autumn Term*******************************
Our topic for this half term is Creation.
This unit of creation outlines some of the key beliefs about the creation of the world and the creation of human beings. The children are encouraged to reflect on the meaning of being made in God’s image as well as the story of ‘The Fall’. They will reflect on their stewardship of creation and on their care for others through work on St. Francis and St. Vincent de Paul.
English - Reading
Daily reading is a key priority in primary school and we actively encourage children to read as much as possible at home to help further develop their fluency and comprehension skills. Every child will be able to bring home a banded reading book from school. These will be assigned to children by their class teacher following a short reading assessment. These can be changed regularly in school. Every child is also encouraged to have a 'Reading for Pleasure' book.
Within our Whole Class Reading lessons, we will be exploring a variety of texts within a variety of genres. This will give children plenty of opportunities to practise their reading comprehension skills and learn about new things.
Our current class novel is 'Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow' by Jessica Townsend.
English - Writing
Our focus texts for this half term are Young, Gifted and Black and Race to the Frozen North: The Matthew Henson Story. Using our key text, the children will work towards writing a diary entry.
Throughout the unit, children will work towards mastery the Mastery Keys outlined below.
Mastery Keys (Year 5)
Plan writing by identifying audience and purpose
Organise paragraphs around a theme with a focus on more complex narrative structures
Use commas after fronted adverbials (Y4 recap)
Use commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity in writing
Mastery Keys (Year 6)
Use passive verbs
Plan writing by identifying audience and purpose
Link ideas across paragraphs using a wider range of cohesive devices (Y5 recap)
Use commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity in writing (Y5 recap)
Use hyphens to avoid ambiguity
In Maths, we follow Power Maths. This allows children to develop their fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills.
During this half term, our topics are:
Four Operations
Throughout the week, children are given many opportunities to practise their arithmetic skills.
Our Science topic for this half term is Properties and changes of materials. Throughout this unit, children will practise using a variety of scientific skills to help them learn:
Materials have different properties which make them suitable for different jobs. A solution is made up of a liquid and a solid that has been dissolved. If a solid can be recovered through filtering, it was not a solution. Some materials are soluble and some are insoluble. The process of separation can be done through sieving, filtering and evaporating. Changes in state are reversible. Changes to materials can be reversible and irreversible.
This half term, we will be exploring:
'What did Ancient Greeks do for us?'
Within this unit, the children will explore the different periods within the history of Ancient Greece before focusing in on what their democratic systems and what inventions they created that impacted our lives today. Throughout the unit, the children will use primary and secondary sources to research and find out more about the past.
This term, we will be exploring:
'What are mountains important?
Within this unit, the children will explore the different mountain ranges that can be found in this part of the world. They will explore how mountains are formed before investigating why mountains are important.
This half term, we will explore the skill of 'Drawing'. Using Clyde Semler's work as inspriation, the children will develop their drawing skills focusing on using light and shade as well as looking at one and two point perspectives.
Music sessions will be delivered by Amasing music tutors.
Computing sessions will be delivered by Junior Jam.
Our P.E. day for this half term is Thursday. Children should come to school in their kit.
All kit must be clearly labelled, and appropriate footwear must be worn. Jewellery, including earrings, must not be worn during P.E. days. School hoodies and jogging bottoms can be purchased online with school uniform.
Personal Development
At St Luke's, RHE is taught using a scheme created by 'Ten:Ten'. Our first topic is Created and Loved by God. This unit explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships
Please see below for our long term overviews.
Messages will mainly be sent using School Spider; please turn on notifications for the app so that you are alerted to new messages/emails. I am always happy to discuss any worries, concerns or general queries you may have. Please feel free to send an email or make an appointment through the school office.