The Shared Vision of St. Luke's Catholic Primary School
Our vision is to educate children in the spirit of the Gospel values and the traditions of the Catholic Church, nurturing the talents and potential of everyone.
By providing a happy, secure environment with Christ at the centre of all we do, we enable all children to fulfil their potential academically, spiritually, socially, morally and emotionally. We prepare our children for the future so that they can contribute to, respect and love the world we live in.
At St Luke’s Catholic Primary School, we remain committed to:
- Welcoming everyone into our caring community, where all are equally safe, secure and valued for who they are
- Providing a bespoke, skills-based curriculum which is ambitious and progressive
- Equipping children with skills for life through hands-on experiences that inspire them to be resilient and independent learners
- Ensuring all teaching provides challenge, engagement and inspiration
- Establishing an environment that promotes and embeds positive behaviour for learning
- Driving the strategic vision of the school forward by empowering all stakeholders
Governors at St Luke’s have an important role to play in the running of the school. The majority of our governors are foundation governors appointed by Bishop Mark Davies, to uphold the Catholic ethos of our school. The remainder are made up of parent governors elected by the parents every three years to provide a parental view and a staff governor, voted for by the staff to provide a staff perspective.
The governors are responsible for setting the vision for our school. Other responsibilities include employment of staff, admissions and management of the building and finances of the school.
The headteacher is employed by the governing body to ensure the smooth day to day management and running of the school. The governors work with the headteacher and all staff to make sure every child gets the best possible education and achieves their full potential.
We all work in partnership with The Diocese of Shrewsbury and Cheshire West and Chester Local Authority to ensure high standards, a sound Catholic education and most of all a safe caring environment for learning.
The Chair of Governors, Miss Pauline Stitt, can be contacted by emailing
Minutes from Full Governing Body Meetings:
Minutes from all Governing Body Meetings are stored in the school office. Part One minutes are available to all stakeholders on request at the school office.
Governors Terms of Office and Responsibilities:
Name of Governor |
Term of Office |
Date of Appointment |
Type of Governor |
Responsibilities |
Pauline Stitt |
1 Year |
01.09.22 |
Chair of Governors / Foundation Governor |
Administration of Medicine / Governor Training / Religious Education / RSHE |
G Murphy |
3 Years |
01.09.23 |
Co–Vice Chair of Governors / Parent & Foundation Governors |
Design & Technology / Health & Safety / Safeguarding & Child Protection |
Fr J Kenny |
Duration of Appointment |
13.09.16 |
Foundation Governor |
Wellbeing & Mental Health |
E Murtagh |
Duration of Appointment |
01.01.14 |
Head Teacher |
K Birkenhead |
4 Years |
01.09.22 |
Foundation Governor |
Physical Education / Science |
J McConnell |
4 Years |
01.09.22 |
Foundation Governor |
Maths / Pupil Premium / SEND |
C Whyatt |
3 Years |
01.04.24 |
Parent Governor |
C Fairman |
4 Years |
01.09.22 |
Staff Governor |
J Edge |
Clerk |
Declaration of Pecuniary Interests:
The School Governance Regulations requires Governing Boards to maintain a register of Governors' business interests. This requirement has been extended to include declarations of business interests of spouses and partners of Governors; any relationship a Governor has with an employee of a school or Governor at which s/he is a serving Governor and to declare their membership of any other Educational Governing Board.
Name of Governor |
Date Completed |
Interest Y / N |
Information of Interest Declared Business / Relationship / Governance |
Date Interest Ceased |
P Stitt |
17.10.23 |
N |
G Murphy |
17.10.23 |
Y |
Trust Operations Manager at Sandstone Trust |
Fr J Kenny |
17.10.23 |
N |
E Murtagh |
17.10.23 |
N |
K Birkenhead |
17.10.23 |
N |
M Powell |
17.10.23 |
N |
J McConnell |
17.10.23 |
N |
C Fairman |
17.10.23 |
N |