
At St. Luke's Catholic Primary School, our computing lessons are delivered by Junior Jam. This ensures there is full coverage of the National Curriculum and enables all pupils to progress.

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We intend that children should master Computing to such an extent that they can go on to have careers within Computing and make use of Computing effectively in their everyday lives, without being completely reliant on technology. Our children will be taught how to use technology responsibly and carefully, being mindful of how their behaviour, words and actions can affect others. ‘Kapow’ teaches computing in a way that ensures progression of skills and follows a sequence to build on previous learning. The children will gain experience and skills in a wide range of technology in a way that will enhance their learning opportunities, enabling them to use technology across a range of subjects to be creative and solve problems.


We follow a broad and balanced curriculum that builds on previous learning; each lesson provides both support and challenge for learners. All classes will have a scheduled hourly Computing lesson each week. The children’s work will either be stored on the school network or in a class Computing book for reference. Each scheme of work has a mini end of unit assessment to show progress. We want to ensure that Computing is embedded in our whole school curriculum and that opportunities for enhancing learning by using technology are always taken.


Children at St. Luke's Catholic Primary School enjoy and value computing and know why it is important now and in the future. The children will understand and appreciate the value of Computing in the context of their personal wellbeing, the technological, creative and cultural industries and their many career opportunities. Progress in computing is demonstrated through regularly reviewing the children’s work, in accordance with the ‘Kapow’ assessment policy:

  • Looking at pupils’ work, especially over time as they gain skills and knowledge
  • Observing how they perform in lessons
  • Talking to them about what they know.

The Computing curriculum will contribute to children’s personal development in creativity, independence, judgement and self-reflection. This will be evidenced in being able to talk confidently about their work and sharing their work with others.


Click on the link below to see the Progression Map

Computing Progression Map

Following in the footsteps of Jesus, we learn, love and laugh together

Get in Touch:

St Luke's Catholic Primary School

The Willows, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7QP

Miss Eileen Murtagh

Tel: 01244 259999


St Luke's Catholic Primary School

The Willows, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7QP

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