At St Luke's we encourage children to take part in a wide variety of sporting activities so that they have the confidence to grow as individuals as well as learn about the positive aspects that team sports can bring.
We achieved Gold in School Games competition in July 2022. We are now striving towards achieving platinum award.
Delamere Cross Country

Gymnastics County Finals

Scooter Workshop
What a fantastic opportunity for both year 2 and year 3 classes, offered by Sustrans. A Scooter workshop was provided. The children used their own scooter and practiced manoeuvres with our scooting expert. Everyone improved across the sessions, more importantly they learnt how to stay safe as well as enjoying the activity. We even had some lucky children who took part in an afterschool scooting club. It was great to see so many children use their scooter safely. Many children have said that they are now going to scoot to school.
Year 5/6 at Helsby High School
This was an amazing afternoon of football. We sent a mixed side of year 5 and 6 pupils. There was great determination amongst all who took part. We did not win the tournament this time but as always gained valuable experince of teamwork.
Year 3 Multiskills at Frodsham Leisure Centre
Year 3 took part in this event with over 200 other children. It was noisy but everyone got to take part in lots of mini athletics events. Everyone’s favourite was the sack race as they got to jump around. The hardest part was swapping sacks with the next person and trying not to fall over. Thank you to the young leaders who showed how to do each event and all of the children who did this with big smiles on their faces.
Bronze School Ambassador Training
Thank you to the 2 boys from Year 6 who received training as our Sporting Ambbassadors. These boys are already great playeaders and are our Ministers of Sport. During assemblies, these boys announce our PE superstar awards. As part of this training, the children have thought of ways that we can stay sporty and active at playtimes. They designed and tested their own games and focused on building their own leadership skills. We are looking forward to them bringing back new ideas that we can try out at school.
Kinball is always a very popular after school club. This is a popular club lead by Mr Curran. The idea behind the club is to try something different, use new equipment and take part in an activity that brings lots of fun and enjoyment.
Introduction to Tag Rugby Club
The idea behind this club is to let our pupils try this game and build up on thier skills. Most of the players have never played before and have been targeted at lower KS2. As a result of these sessions - Upper KS2 have asked to join in with some going on to join local teams.
Girls Football Taster Afternoon
Thank you to former pupil 'Coach Sam' who came in to deliver a 'girls only' football taster afternoon. All girls took part from Year 2-6 and some even stayed for a bonus session. As a result, and following pupil voice, we have started a weekly girls only football session.
Playleaders Training
Thank you to Mandy our School Sport Coordinator (SSCO), who came in to deliver play leader training to our Year 5 pupils. During the course, they had the opportunity to think creatively to create games and activities that can be used during playtimes across the school. Mandy commented on the games created and how she had never seen some of these before. All of the children left the training enthused and excited to try out these with other pupils.
Thank you to Mr Curran wo also ran a playleader 'refresher' session for our Year 6 pupils. As a result our MDA team have been impressed with the teamwork and cooperation shown by our upper KS2 pupils.
Dodgeball Leaders
Congratulations to the three pupils who attended the Dodgeball Leadership training at Frodsham Leisure Centre. All the children really enjoyed this experience and came back to school full of ideas and red faces! They learnt how to play, how to set out the area and how it can be adapted to work with other children and year groups. We are really looking forward to using these leaders in future PE sessions and potentially an after school club.
England Football
We have an avid family of football supporters who went all the way to Stoke on Trent to watch the England Ladies play.
Commonwealth Games Legacy
We have had some lucky individuals who had a change to spectate at the Commonwealth Games. They said they kept a look out of the Tongan athletes and really enjoyed the whole experience. Thank you for bringing in the programme for us all to look at.
Year 1 Multisports Outdoor Event
What a fantastic morning of sport. Our Year 1 children represented Tonga at our Sports Clusters Commonwealth Themed event. It was beautiful sunshine and we walked to the event. The children had asked if they could perform their interpretation of a Tongan Haka (Sipi Tau). They had an opportunity to take part in 6 different athletic events. The children really enjoyed competing against the other schools and all received lots of stickers after each event. Thank you to the parents and grandparents who supported this event, waving the flags and even dressing up to support our Tongan athletes!
Sports Day
Thank you to everyone who made our sports day a total success. Fortunately, it was dry and it was perfect conditions for sport. Special mentions to Year 1 who opened the event with a traditional Tongan Haka (Sipi Tau). Our Tongan theme was linked to the Commonwealth Games. All of our local schools have been assigned a Commonwealth country and represented these at District Sports. Thank you to Mr Armstrong and the Year 9 Sports Leaders from St Nick’s High School who supported our pupils throughout the event. They really did help by running with pupils, encouraging and setting up events with Mr Taylor. It was great to see so many parents able to attend the event and their cheering and encouragement really made this a special occasion. The resilience shown as well as a love of sport was clear to see with all pupils trying their best and taking part in a variety of activities.
Distirct Sports
This is another event that takes place through the Frodsham and Villages Sports partnership.Thank you to everyone who represented our school in this event. It was great to see everyone competing with eleven other Primary Schools. The Tongan Embassy provided the flags for the event and even wished us well. Unfortunately, the weather was against us and the event taking place in July 2023.
National Schools Sports Week
As part of National School Sports Week, Mr Curran came to work with all of the classes for a ‘Bonus Sporting Activity Day. This was a Commonwealth Games inspired sporting session. The country we have been given, for District Sports is Tonga, so Mr Curran adapted popular games that Tonga will be competing in the Commonwealth Games being held in Birmingham this year. These included: Squash, Hockey, Cricket, Relay, Triathlon, Basketball and Bowls. Each class was given time across the day for these activities and were supported by class 5 sports leaders. Although not everyone can take part in District Sports we decided that everyone can have the ‘Tongan Experience’. It was a great day, filled with excitement and enjoyment of sport.
National School Sports Week Challenges.
Thank you to everyone who has taken on a new 60 second challenge each day. These have really been enjoyable from throwing and catching to building up coordination and stamina. The great thing about these challenges is that the can be practiced at home and at school. It was all about setting a personal best. In our swimming sessions this week a select group of pupils across KS2 completed a life saving training on drowning prevention and fun in the water at Brookvale Swimming Pool. We are really proud of their achievements.
Fitness Club
Another great turnout for our fitness club. These sessions have been designed with the help of our two Sports Leaders, the Minsters of Sport. They are offering challenges, leading sessions and coaching their peers through these activities.
FAVSP Mixed Dynamos Cricket Competition
What a fantastic tournament our children had at Frodsham Cricket Club. The weather was fantastic, the whole team got lots of batting, bowling and fielding practice. We are so proud of them with their GOLD medal performance. They each played together, supporting one another and have made it to the finals event. Everyone came back to school with so much enthusiasm, they cannot wait to play again.
Bubble Football Year 6
Our Year 6 Children have tried something different today, bubble football. The children well and truly stepped out of their comfort zones and took part in this opportunity. Not sure what was more fun, scoring a goal or bumping into each other. They showed the resilience to try something new and bounce back when they get knocked down!
Frodsham Volleyball Festival (A and B teams)
Year 5 and 6 Netball
Well done to our netball team who took part in their first match at this tournament. Everyone enjoyed themselves and developed throughout the competition. It was great to see the team shaking hands and showing good 'sportsmanship'. Mandy our SSCO commented and said that the team made fantastic progress across the afternoon. Many of the squad had never played before so it was a great opportunity to try something new.
Cheshire Phoenix Hoops for Health
Cheshire Phoenix Basketball team visit the school on an annual basis. It is always great to meet professional basketball players. Hoops for Health is delivered to year 5 and 6 took part in a Hoops 4 Health programme. The Hoops 4 Health workshops focused on 3 key areas, staying active through exercise, healthy eating and anti smoking.
It was great to hear what a professional athlete does to stay in shape. Pupils also enjoyed finding out how many calories a player can burn in a match. A highlight was the players joining in with basketball at lunchtime. It was a WOW moment when one did a slam dunk!
Thank you to the Cheshire Phoenix for the free match tickets, we wish them well for all of the season.
Tag Rugby Event
Thank you to our team from class 6 who took part this event. We finished 4th out of over 10 teams. Some of our players had never played tag rugby before but wanted to support their friends and try something new. As the tournament progressed, everyone improved and showed a commitment to each other. It was noted by the spectators that our team showed determination and sportsmanship. So much so that the coach from Helsby RUFC invited them to training. We are really pleased with how everyone took part in the event and they enjoyed receiving a certificate in celebration assembly.
Diamond Cricket
Thank you to all of class 3 who took part in this event at Kingsley Cricket Club. We had two fantastic teams representing our school led by Miss Burns and Miss Toft. It was great to see all of class 3 encouraging each other and developing their hand eye coordination as well as their throwing and catching skills. Based on the successes of this event we have started our very own after school cricket club for KS2. Thank you to the parents who could support this event, everyone had a great day and it even stayed dry!
Cricket Club
Multi Sports Club
Thank you to Mr Curran from JCPE who delivers a fantastic multi sports club for our children. This club focuses on keeping the children active and developing core skills such as resilience, determination and teamwork. Each week the session is slightly different, Mr Curran uses new equipment for the children to try. This can be a new sport, a new skill or routine with progression from the start of the club to the end. We have seen the children try things that they have never tried before. Mr Curran has also introduced a variety of lunchtime activities for the children to practice and try across the week.
Chance to Shine Cricket
Across the year, all KS2 classes have been able to work with coaches from Cheshire Cricket board.
Sessions have developed from throwing and catching to batting, bowling and fielding. We now have a lunctime and an afterschool club.