The Way, The Truth and The Life

The way the truth and the life.png

This scheme we use is based on the Religious Education Curriculum Directory for Catholic schools. It contains systematic and rigorous teaching and learning, at least equal to that of other curriculum areas. 

The books cover the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church and their implications for the lives of people today, and particularly for the lives of the pupils.

Other faiths are addressed as a consequence of, and in the context of, Catholic teaching. Catholic teaching about the action of God in the world requires an informed and respectful approach to other faith. Catholics can  learn from the practices of other faiths (e.g. patterns of prayer, fasting, pilgrimages etc.). 

The scheme incorporates learning about the Catholic faith and learning from the Catholic faith.

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Following in the footsteps of Jesus, we learn, love and laugh together

Get in Touch:

St Luke's Catholic Primary School

The Willows, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7QP

Miss Eileen Murtagh

Tel: 01244 259999


St Luke's Catholic Primary School

The Willows, Frodsham, Cheshire, WA6 7QP

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